Many thanks to all the performers for putting on a brilliant show at the last JunKroom event in Kyoto.
This was also a charity event to help people in the Tokoku region who are suffering as a result of the earthquake and tsunami. The door money plus a collection we did during the show brought in around 48 000 yen- which I'll round up to 50 000 yen. So we have 25 000 yen to give to ゆめ風基金(Yume-kaze fund) and 25000 yen to give to JVC Thank you everybody for contributing !!
DEtails about the work the charities are doing can be found on their Home Pages. (addresses below)
ゆめ風基金(Yume-kaze fund)
Please watch this space for for future developments....The JunKroom event take a break and restart in London where I hope to be able to promote the excellent work of my friends in Kyoto and give UK audiences the chance to see some of the best Music, Dance and Art coming out of Japan.
Here's a list of performers who have participated in the JunKroom event over the last 4 years...many thanks to all of you!
Alexander Rishaug, Phonophani (Espen Sommer Eide), Sigbjorn Apeland Yosuke Fujita, ieva, Sseeaann Rrooee, WEAST (Murakami Hiroshi & Tanaka Ryo), Acsoc / Syndrome WPW (Serge Teuscher), CLONELINESS (aka Charles-Eric Billard) Yoshida Koichi - Udonya Mentei - Okuda Satoko - raw elements - Sseeaann Rrooee - 西野貴人 (太鼓) - Das Capital Punishment - Aleatoric Tinkerbot - Yangjah - 魚雷魚 - MaDonald - Mash Cucumber - 時空JIKUUUUUUUUU - amalls の skcaj -Peachman (Toshiya Momota) - Praed - Problematica - Bridget Scott - Christopher Fryman - Misuzu - Hamah Moh - Harikokue (Harico + Kozue Sugiura - ieva (Samuel Andre) - Lorenzo Senni - Naked Mozart (Donald the Nut + Chiko Choko) - Miimo - ra_ka - Seed - Yoji and his ghost band - Llama Labo - Buggatronic (Daniel Buess /James Hullick) - raks khamis - Tim Olive - Nick Hoffman - Takahiro Kawaguchi - AUJIK - Porta Chiusa - Hannes Lingens - Pierre Borel - The Patty Hearst Noise Opera - Vice - Problematica - Ritsuko Hidaka - DJ AFRIphoniCAAAA - Anthony Guerra & Mark Sadgrove - GG Jackson - Katsura Mouri - Hakobune - Kenichi Higashino - Hiromi Shirai - Sbot N Wo - madonaLD! - Akiko Igaki - Azumi Miyata - Junichi Inoue - Psychedelic Desert - S.C.F - Jet Vel - Armelle Dousset - Mariko Tajiri - Titan No Kai - Inouratomoe - Salads in Space - Hanaarashi - Oh My Cow - The Pumpkins - 7hz Tribe Arkestra - Moe Matsuki - Yuka Hanamoto - Public on the Mountain - Anne Marijin Koppen - Clemence Baars - Andrea Valvini - Day Good Explorer (Stephen Munoz & Jack Glacken) - Eddie 135 - Prof Mari Oka - Toshikuni Doi - Denki Gypsy Special - Kazuya Hagihara - Geronimo Label - Falsos Gitanos - Mir - Dan Marlin - Tomoko Sauvage - Charles-Eric Billard - Shinji Kameda - Bum Creek - Shags Chamberlain - Floating Room - Mitsu Salmon - ryotaro - Jana Winderen - Julie Pereira - Baku - Akira - Tadashi Yonago - SEVEN FIELDS from J - Kusum Normoyle - JP DuQuette - Malawicob - Takashi Tanaka - Alice Sailor and Damage Distortion - Sadaharu Horio - Handsome Buggy - Iron Egg - Karolina Raczynska - Caitlin Coker - Amrik Sahnsi - Ms Meka Nism - Junko Imai and Chiaki Kuwahara - Richard Dean - Sylwia Gorak - Floating Room - Veejay Figshta - Bloom Creation - Titan No Kai - Teruyuki Tanaka - Take-Bow - Cosmic Kaigan - Uratomoe Trio - Jerry Gordon - Mesuinu & Co - Hiroyuki Furuya - Johnny Miller - Shabushabu - Hana Joss - Shinyokoeband - Kaneko Kitawaki Guitar Duo - 15 mm films - Duncan Galbraith - Suda Nobuto - Fucked 76 - Matthew Mullane - Yuko Nexus 6 - On Furukawa - Tonko - Takaaki Matsui - Hiro Ohta - Keisuke Uemura - Ippei Ikeda - Yasuo Fukurozaka - kogut (Joan Laage) - David Lakein - Empty Orchestra - Yumiko Nii - Reiko Kiyama - Cell 63