Here is some information about an upcoming event at Junkroom on 2nd February 2008 on Kita Oji Dori here in Kyoto. Please find details of the event below. I hope you can come and see these amazing artists perform. I look forward to seeing you.
こんにちわ。ショーンです。北大路通りに出現した新スポット、ジャンクルームでは毎月1回の不定期イベントを行っています。今回は月例イベント第2弾として、以下のアーティストたちが参加します。ダンス・パフォーマンス・音楽など、感動、笑い、涙を呼ぶさまざまなジャンルをお楽しみください。皆様のお越しをお待ちしております。SEAN ROE
Junkroom VOL 2
Dance, Performance and Music
* Kogut (Joan Laage) - USA/Korea
* David Lakein - USA/Berlin
* Katsura Mouri (from Busratch) - Kyoto
* Jetvell (Empty Orchestra) - Osaka/Canada
* Yasuo Fukurozaka - Kyoto
* Reiko Kiyama - Kyoto
* Yumiko Nii - Kyoto
* DJ AFRIphoniCAAAAAA - Kyoto/London
Entrance 1000 yen with one drink
500 yen with one drink (for students)
Doors open at 7.00 pm Performance starts at 8.00 pm
Open until late. Food and Snacks available.
入場 1000円(学生は500円)(1ドリンク付き)
開場 7:00 pm
開演 8:00 pm
葵リサイクルショップ 2階 京都市左京区下鴨東本町11−3 葵ビル アクセス;京都駅より市バス4系統で洛北高校前下車東に約5分または206 系統で下鴨東本町下車すぐJunkroom Above Aoi Recyle Shop Shimogamo higashi honncho 11-3 Aoi bld,Sakyo-ku, Kyoto.Located on Kita Oji Dori (approx 300m East of intersection with Shimogamo Hondori) Access: Bus 205 or 206 from Kyoto Station (bus 205 is more direct and faster)
EXTRA NEWS:Dave Lakein will be running a workshop on Sunday 3rd February at Higashiyama Seinen Katsudo Centre. The workshop will run 10:00-14:00. The Cost of the workshop is 1500yen or 1000yen. For more information and to register, please contact:Kayako Takahasi Mobile: 08030163651 or by email at
kogut (Joan Laage)
Joan Laage studied under Butoh masters Ohno Kazuo and Ashikawa Yoko in the late 80s in Tokyo and danced in Ashikawa's group Gnome. She was artistic director of Dappin' Butoh, based in Seattle Washington where she lived for 13 years. Joan has performed and taught workshops at the New York and Paris butoh festivals.She moved to S Korea in September 2006 after living in Poland for two years where she took on the name kogut (rooster in Polish)
80年代後半、東京にて大野一雄、芦川羊子に師事。芦川の舞踏グループGnome(ノーム)に参加。シアトルを拠点とするDappi’ Butohにて演出を務める。NY,パリで行われる舞踏フェスティバルで公演、ワークショップを開催。ポーランドを経て、現在韓国を拠点として活躍中。
David Lakein
Lakein is a Berlin-based Director-Choreographer, Performer, and Writer. He studied philososphy and theater in the United States, and dance and performance in Berlin and Amsterdam. David’s work swirls around the borders between dance, theatre, cabaret, and performance art and embraces the edge between the profoundly serious and ridiculously silly; current research includes investigating the realm of personal and collective risk-taking and good / bad disco dancing.
Jetvell (Empty Orchestra)
Long term Japan resident hailing from Canada. When performing solo, Jeff creates his electronic sonic storms using an ever varied array of low tech instruments including the swizzle stick and theremin, processed through a number of effect pedals. Jeff also leads cult improv/noise unit Empty Orchestra.
カナダ出身。カクテルミキサーやテルミンなどのさまざまなローテク器械を駆使し、エフェクトペダルで作り上げるエレトロニックサウンドを展開。インプロ/ノイズのカルトユニットEmpty Orchestraのリーダー。
Katsura Mouri (solo performance)
Katsura is half of the turntable unit Busratch that started performing in 1998 using 8 turntables, making experimental music with records,stones,metals,cymbals,mousepads etc. They have released 3 CDs on Kyoto's PARAdisc label, and have performed with avant turntable originators Christian Marclay + Otomo Yoshihide
1998年よりターンテーブル8台での同時即興演奏を行う実験的DJ集団として活動を開始。レコードの他、シンバルや石、金属、マウスパッド等をターンテーブル上で再生し、カートリッジとアームによる音の増幅によって即興演奏を行う。京都PARAdiscレーベルより3枚のCDをリリース。Christian Marclay、大友良英等ともセッションを行う。
Yasuo Fukurozaka
After studying "Noh" and "Butoh", he started to do solo dance performances. He collaborated with many musicians when making improvised dances. Yasuo usually performs outside of the theatre, for example, he once performed in the basement of Osaka Tsutenkaku . From 2006 to 2007 he created a series of performaces titled "Beautiful Japan". which criticised Japan's Prime Minister of the day. Fukurozaka is also an active member of the monthly improvised dance get-together "Dosei no Kai".
Yumiko Nii
Since she was a young child Yumiko enjoyed playing with found objects. Initially she was a sexy comical singer who loved quirky songs with strange rhythms, and now she is a dancer. When she dances, it is as if she manipulates sparkling heat and delicate fire. From 2006 she started a series called "Blood" including "Blood Goddess"and "Juicy Haemoglobin Jam". She is a leading member of the Butoh Dance Company "Hana Arashi".
幼少よりガラ クタで遊ぶ。変拍子を好む艶っぽいメロディーの歌い手からダンサーへ。 瞬時に破壊 する熱・繊細な炎を操る。2006年よりBloodシリーズ『blood goddess』、『Juicy Haemoglobin Jam』を展開。ポップ舞踏カンパニー『花嵐』主宰メンバー」
Reiko Kiyama
After working as an open air theatre actress in Kyoto, she started Shintaido which is derived from the martial art Karate. Since then she has stopped acting and has started to explore an expression which doesn't embrace the idea of "showing to the audience". Her next attempt will be to study the terms of living in a particular life style or “living in form”
京都にて野外劇の役者として活動した後、空手を原型とした新体道という武道(martial art)に出会う。以後、舞台から退き、「見せること」にとらわれない表現を目指す。今回は型の中に生きる(living in form)というのを試みたい。
Hailing from Johannesburg and London, Kyoto resident DJ AFRIphoniCAAAA is the moniker of Performance/Video Artist Sean Roe. He plays an eclectic mix of Afrobeat./Artrock/ NDW/Krautrock/Musique Concrete, Soundtrack and Sound Art. He is also rumoured to be able to make you dance spontaneously to music you’ve never heard before.
南アフリカ出身のパフォーマンス/ビデオアーティストSean Roe。ロンドンから日本に移住。DJとしてアフロビート、アートロック、NDW、クラウトロック、Musique Concrete、サウンドアートを発信。初めて耳にするような音源で体を踊らせてくれるだろう。
SOME PHOTOS OF Junkroom Vol 2
Many Thanks to all the artists who performed at Junkroom Vol 2. We had an amazing turnout -an audience that was lucky to see such a varied programme of work of such high calibre. I'm posting some photographs of the event- more to follow in the coming week or so.