"...where visual art collides with sound,performance & dance for a truly original live experience" Kansai Time Out (Dec)
"Kyoto's premier avant-garde get-together" Japanzine (Sept)
"...avant-garde hodge-podge Junkroom event... featuring a cavalcade of noise and noisy musicians, dancers and performance artists..." SeekJapan.jp / Kansai Calling (Dec)

JunKroom Vol 7 at URBANGUILD on 12th December
Doors open 6.30- Starts 7.00pm - Ends 2.00am
Entrance: 1500 (adv) includes 1 Drink
1800 (at the door) includes 1 Drink
Featured Artists
Karolina Raczynska (UK/Pol)
Sadaharu Horio (Jap)
Handsome Buggy (Jap)
Alice Sailor and Damage Distortion (Jap)
Malawicob (UK/Can) + Yangjah (Jap)
Naked Mozart (US+ Jap)
Iron Egg (Singapore)
Caitlin Coker (US)+ Amrik Sahnsi (UK)
Mitsu Salmon (US) + Ryotaro (JPN)
Tim Olive (Can) + Katsura Mouri (Jap)
Takashi Tanaka (Jap)
Ms Meka Nism (US)
Junko Imai and Chiaki Kuwahara (Jap)
DJ AFRIphoniCAAAA (UK/Kyoto)
JunKroom presents a Special Event at UrBANGUILD with an amazing, eclectic and International Programme - including Performance Art, Modern Dance, Improvised Music, Sound Installation and more... An evening of Multi-disciplinary performances and artistic collaborations that will surprise, and astound you.
JunKroomが主催するSpecial Event at UrBANGUILDでは国際的で多種多様な内容をお送りします。プログラムはパフォーマンスアート、ダンス、インプロ音楽、サウンドインスタレーションなどを含み、多角的なアートを謳歌する夜をお約束します。UrBANGUILD
181-2 Zaimoku-cho
new-Kyoto bldg. 3F,
Kiyamachi Dori
Very Easy to find-Here are some basic directions
From Sanjo Dori go down Kiyamachi Dori
(This is the narrow street running alongside Takase stream
Urbanguild is on the east side (left hand side as you walk down from Sanjo) approximately 150 metres.Its on the 3rd floor of New Kyoto Building- access by elevator or stairs.
Maps/ Directions to the Venue can be found
Artist Profiles
Sadaharu Horio
Born in 1939 in Hyogo, Japan. Lives and works in Kobe.Joined the avant-garde artist group “Gutai Bijutsu Kyokai (Gutai Art Association)” in 1966 which he participated in until its disbandment in 1972. Horio has since continued to be prolific, and since 1985 has been holding numerous solo shows, group exhibitions and performances based on a single and consistent theme of “Ordinary things.”

堀尾貞治 1939年兵庫県生まれ。神戸市在住。1966年、前衛芸術家集団「具体美術協会」の会員になり、1972年の解散までその活動に参加する。その後も精力的な創作活動を続け、1985年頃からは「あたりまえのこと」という一貫したテーマのもとに、無数の個展やグループ展、パフォーマンスなどを行なっている。

Karolina Raczynska
Born 1984 Poland 2007 – 2009 MA Photography,
Royal Collage of Art, London 2004 – 2007 BFA in Fine Art,
Oxford University,Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art.
I am intrigued by the visual world around me. By the strangeness and
complexity of natural Phenomena. I watch and analyze it, using the
camera and my own body as recording tools that collect detail while
investigating space and time. I can then view the footage and begin
the process of transformation. Here the original material changes
giving new understandings and inventing its own rules and meaning.

Naked Mozart
A recently initiated collaboration between Donald the Nut from
Three Day Stubble and classical violinist Chiko Choko. Donald muses ....."I think Mozart had a rebellious spirit and liked potty humor, I do not think he was was afflicted" Having said that you are probably more likely to hear a version of
Leck mich im Arsch (K. 231 /K382c) than one of his familiar pieces of work when Naked Mozart perform at Junkroom......Then again you might not hear anything even remotly related to Mozart!

Donald the Nut (Three Day Stubbleのメンバー)とクラシックバイオリニストChiko Chokoによる新コラボ。「モーツアルトは反骨精神があり下ネタジョークが好きだった。そんな音楽家が苦悩したとは思えない。」とDonaldはにやりとする。そうは言ってもJunkroomでのNaked Mozartのパフォーマンスは彼のいつもの音よりもLeck mich im Arsch (K. 231 /K382c:ドイツ語で「私の臀部を舐めなさい」の意)などが期待できるのではないかと思われる。もしくはまったくモーツアルトと関係ない演奏となるか..こうご期待!

Chiaki Kuwahara and Junko Imai
Chiaki Kuwahara has been photographing things for half of her life.Travelling with her camera to India, Mongolia and Cambodia and other places.By collaborating with Illustrator Jun for this Junkroom event, she hopes to expand on their shared idea of #0 in her own way.
Junko Imai had drawn since she was a young child.Later she learned drawing by herself and through a short stay study trip to Mexico.Now she works illustrating books, creating art for website and advertisements amongst other things. For this Junkroom event she expresses "# 0" in collaboration with a photographer, Chiaki Kuwahara

Malawicob (Jetvel+ Sseeaann Rrooee)
Long term Japan resident hailing from Canada. When performing solo, Jeff creates his electronic sonic storms using an ever varied array of low tech instruments, MD Players, Bowed Cymbals and Theremin, processed through numerous effect pedals. Jeff also leads cult improv/noise unit Empty Orchestra. Sseeaann Rrooee (aka Sean Roe) will be collaborating with Jeff for this event, performing on Bass and Electric Trumpet , with Triggered samples percussion and other effects.
カナダ出身の Jeff はカクテルミキサーやテルミンなどのさまざまなローテク器械を駆使し、エフェクトペダルで作り上げるエレトロニックサウンドを展開。今回のイベントではSseeaann Rrooee(Sean Roe)とのコラボではベースとフルートにトリガーサンプル、エフェクターを交え、風変わりでノイジーな音を聞かせてくれそうだ。
For JunKroom Vol7 Malawicob will be joined by Yangah- profile details below.
Yangjah is an artist, a Butoh dancer and a third generation Korean in Japan. Her works are improvised performances that often utilize elements of installation, video, photography and poetry . She gropes at the endless circulation of moments when an empty body overflows. (Photo copyright: Yuri SHIBATA)
日本生まれ、大阪暮らしのコリアン・ディアスポラ。19歳で日本の外のアジアに飛び出し、カラダひとつでできることを求めるようになる。国内外・屋内外問わずあらゆる空間で、様々なジャンルのアーティストと即興でコラボレーションを重ね、身体表現を探求している。インスタレーションや映像作品も制作・発表している。「 空っぽなカラダから満ちあふれてくる瞬間のつらなり」を模索している。

Iron Egg
Iron Egg is an electro-acoustic audio/visual improvisation group based in Singapore featuring Darren Moore (laptop/percussion), Tim O'Dwyer (saxophone) and Brian O'Reilly (bass/electronics/moving images). The group combines acoustic free improvisation and extended instrumental techniques with live electronics to create a broad range of sonic textures.

Tim Olive
Tim Olive's table top guitar performances can be described as an exploration of the full sonic possibilities of steel strings and magnetic pickups. Extensive touring in North America, Europe and Japan has provided Tim Olive opportunities to play with a wide range of musicians including, most recently, Alfredo Costa Monteiro, Haco, Sharif Sehnaoui, and Martin Tetreault, Jeffrey Allport, Kelly Churko, Bunsho Nisikawa (in the duo
Supernatural Hot Rug And Not Used ), Phroq, Mike Shiflet, and Fritz Welch, as well as a duo with dancer Corrie Befort. ( edited quote from BricoLodge)
カナダの大草原に育ち、12才でエレキベースを始めた。 まずはロックに走ったがFree Jazzを聴きロック楽器の限界が明らかになった。結局、通常のリズムと神経質なピッチをスティールストリングと磁石ピックに組み合わせることにより完全な音の可能性を見出し、インプローブを探求して、ベースとベースギターを見捨てることとなる。北米、ヨーロッパおよび日本を広く旅行してきたことにより、Tim Oliveは幅広いジャンルのミュージシャンとの演奏経験を持つ。共演者の一例は以下の通り。Alfredo Costa Monteiro, ハコ, Sharif Sehnaoui, Martin Tetreault, Supernatural Hot Rug And Not Usedの西川文章など。

Katsura Mouri (solo performance)
Katsura is half of the turntable unit Busratch that started performing in 1998 using 8 turntables, making experimental music with records,stones,metals,cymbals,mousepads etc. They have released 3 CDs on Kyoto's PARAdisc label, and have performed with avant turntable originators Christian Marclay + Otomo Yoshihide
1998年よりターンテーブル8台での同時即興演奏を行う実験的DJ集団として活動を開始。レコードの他、シンバルや石、金属、マウスパッド等をターンテーブル上で再生し、カートリッジとアームによる音の増幅によって即興演奏を行う。京都PARAdiscレーベルより3枚のCDをリリース。Christian Marclay、大友良英等ともセッションを行う。
Tim Olive and Katsura Mouri will perform together at Junkroom Vol 7
Alice Sailor and Damage Distortion
Alice and Hide (from Ultra Bide) are the 2 musicians in this dynamic punk/new wave duo, with Alice on vocals and occasional sax and Hide providing rocking drum machine rhythms and guitar. Expect crazy versions of Serge Gainsbourg and a lot of attitude.

Caitlin Coker and Amrik Sahnsi
Caitlin Coker dances. She was born in California in 1985 and was raised on a cattle farm in the Southeast USA. Became National Tap Dance Champion at age 17.Switched to modern dance and then switched to Butoh in 2007.

Amrik Sahnsi plays music (computer programme and guitar)
Born in the small village of "Castle Donington," England 1986. Amrik
moved to Japan in late 2007. A keen musician from a young age who
tries to perform in a wide range of music genres from electronica to
thrash metal.

Ms.Meka Nism
Ms.Meka Nism is known in underground circuits for her work with former American bands and touring projects "Dirty Barby" (playing NYC's historical CBGB's!), "Angel Autopsy," and "Meka Nism and her Rusty Tears," as guitarist, vocalist, and insane performance artist. Sponsored by Dean Guitars, she is recognized for creating the rare "Acoustic Death Metal" genre, playing with such bands as Trivium, Chimaira, and Faun Fables. In 2007, she released the album "Mad to Love" from Florida Indie label Hidden Records. The album's feature song "Break" was awarded Best Experimental Song 2006 by Songwriter's Showcase of America. In January 2007, Meka moved to Kyoto, Japan, where she began touring with singer songwriter bassist Yukari Ikeda, the two soon creating the band "Origami Girls" which made its television debut on KBS Kyoto television in 2008. They continue to tour Japan steadily as band and solo performers and are gearing up for a small US tour in January 2009.
Ms. Meka Nismはギターリスト、ボーカリスト.また狂気のパフォーマンスアーティストとして、"Dirty Barby" , "Angel Autopsy," や"Meka Nism and her Rusty Tears," などのアメリカのバンドと共に活動し、全米をツアーしていたこともあり、アメリカのアンダーグラウンド界隈では有名である。("Dirty Barby"としては、ニューヨークのCBGB'sにも出演)また、アメリカのギターメーカー"Dean Guitars"が彼女のスポンサーになっている。Ms.Meka Nismのスタイルは"アコースティック・デスメタル"と認識されており、"Trivium", "Chimaira", や"Faun Fables"などのバンドともプレイしている。2007年、アルバム"Mad to Love"を、フロリダのインディーレーベルよりリリース。この中の一曲"Break"は、2006年、Songwriter's Showcase of Americaにより、Best Experimental song、という賞を獲得。2007年1月より、京都に移り住み、シンガーソングベーシストの池田ゆかりと共に、"Origamiガールズ"というバンドを結成。今年には、KBS京都のTV番組の出演も達成。現在も自身のソロプロジェクトや、Origamiガールズとして日本をツアー中で、2009年一月には、アメリカツアーも控えている。

Mitsu Salmon and Ryotaro
Mitsu Salmon creates solo and collaborative performance pieces weaving together music, dance, text and imagery. She was born in Los Angeles, California. She has received her BFA from the Experimental Theater Wing at New York University (January 2005). She has lived, worked and studied in England, Germany, Amsterdam and India. Currently she resides in Kyoto, Japan where she studies dance and performs with Ima Tenko and collaborates with accordionist/performer ryotaro. Her work has been presented at places such Performance Space 122, Highways Performance Space and internationally at Hebbel Am Uffer, the Berlin Performance Art Festival and the London Performance Art
Ryotaro is an accordionist, composer and performer. He uses MIDI-accordion; intermixing accordion, synthesizer and programmed sounds to create compositions.He has also performed and recorded albums with the bands Elements, Alternate Symphony, trace elements and Picaresque.In addition,he has also collaborated and improvised with Take-bow (performer and table top guitarist), Meri Otoshi (dancer), Mitsu Salmon (performer) and other dancers, actors and painters. He composed, played music and acted in the film "Jellyfish" directed by Nadia Porcar, which was screened at the Osaka European Film Festival in 2004. In 2008, ryotaro released his 1st solo album "Jelly, nico & I".
Photo credit:Hajime Okashi

Handsome Buggy
Try to imagine Frank Zappa playing in a country band that happens to have a Tsugaru Shamisen player and you might get close to describing the music of the quartet Handsome Buggy. Expect country versions of Japanese folk songs and more- all delivered with gusto..

Takashi Tanaka
Started creating dance pieces in 1988 performing mostly in clubs and on the street.
During a stay in England he studied with Desmond Jones in 1995.Takashi continued performing following a move to Tokyo, but halted his activities in 2001. He started performing again, through his association with "Titan No Kai", at Bar Ripple in Nagoya in July 2008.Takashi is now making more regular performances every month in Kyoto and the Kansai.
1988年より活動を開始。路上やライブハウス等を中心にパフォーマンスを行う。1995年単身渡英し、Desmond Jones氏の下でパントマイムを学ぶ。帰国後は東京を拠点に活動を続けるが2001年より活動を休止するが、
2008年7月に名古屋のBar Rippleにて行われた「ティタンの会」にて活動を再開。現在は京都を中心に月一回ほどのペースで活動中