Many thanks to everyone who performed at Junkroom Vol 4 on Sat 26th April, and thanks also to Duncan Galbraith for showing his photographs and 15mm Films for allowing us to screen "The Staircase Miracles" To everyone who visited us on the evening- also a big thanks! Here are some photographs from the event taken with my mobile phone.
(In Order of appearance)
Thursday, 3 April 2008
Wednesday, 2 April 2008
Junkroom Vol 4 - 26th April 2008
Junkroom VOL 4
2008/04/26 Sat.
15MM FILMS (Screening)
入場料 1000円(1ドリンク付)
開場 7:30 pm 開演 8:00 pm
(写真展は6:45より 7:30以前は入場無料)
Junkroom Address and Directions
葵リサイクルショップ 2階
京都市左京区下鴨東本町11−3 葵ビル
アクセス;京都駅より市バス4系統で洛北高校前下車東に約5分または206 系統で下鴨東本町下車すぐ
Above Aoi Recyle Shop
Shimogamo higashi honncho 11-3 Aoi bld,Sakyo-ku, Kyoto.Located on Kita Oji Dori (approx 300m East of intersection with Shimogamo Hondori)
contact Sean for more info 07054378369
The Map above shows Junkroom location from the intersection of Shimagamo Hondori and Kita Oji Dori (on left of map)
* From Demachiyanagi Station: (Keihan Line) get out at exit 5 and take either Bus no 1 or 4 (the bus stop is 25m behind exit)
Get off at the intersection of Shimogamo Hondori and Kita Oji Dori (approx 7 mins journey time).
From the intersection walk Eastwards along Kita Oji Dori - on the North side of the road-for approx 300m.
Junkroom is located on the 2nd floor of Aoi Building - between a large Pharmacy and 99 yen shop.
* From Kita Oji Station: (subway Karasuma Line) it is about a 15/20 min walk (1.4 km) going eastwards on Kita Oji Dori
There are many busses running along Kita Oji dori that you could take to shorten the journey time.
* From Kyoto Station: Access: by Bus -numbers 4, 205 or 206. Approx 30 mins journey
Junkroom Vol 4 - Brief Summary
The next event is on the 26th April the line up for the evening includes Bossa Nova and Jazz from KANEKO KITAWAKI GUITAR DUO Gamelan group HANA JOSS music (and dance) trio - SHINYOKOEBAND, featuring Chikako Bando from Hanaarashi Performance artist HIROMI SHIRAI from Kobe will give a talk/performance with reference to her visit to the Undisclosed Territory festival taking place in April in Indonesia and Kyoto based Producer Mixmaster and maverick SHABUSHABU will also perform.
There will also be a screening of the film The Staircase Miracles produced by UK based 15MM FILMS a collective of disability artists and fellow travellers working in the field of visual, performance and video art. There is also an exhibition by Kyoto based photographer DUNCAN GALBRAITH also from the UK. DJ AFRIphoniCAAAA will be playing his usual odd selection of music in the gaps between performances and act as MC for the evening....
Last minute update....
We have a few additions to the line up this month. SUDA NOBUTO will be performing live under the name “Nada” He creates slowly unwinding shimmering soundscapes using guitar and electronics. One of his recordings was used by Takaaki Matsui in his performance last month at Junkroom so it will be good to see Nobuto perform live this time. Also appearing is FUCKED 76 (Nick Domjancic) who is also part of Cell 63 who performed here in December at our opening event. Expect minimal electronic vignettes sometimes subtle sometimes abrasive. Finally we are lucky to have MATTHEW MULLANE visiting from Ohio who "........blends field recordings,feedback and some sparcely plucked guitar in his performances. Matthew identifies his musical influences as diverse and many including contemporary composition, improvisation (free jazz, electro-acoustic), and American finger-picking style guitar...." (quote Earlabs )
This guitar duo consists of Makoto Kaneko and Hisashi Kitawaki who both studied under the jazz guitarist Yutaka Terai. The pair met 10 month ago. They play Bossa Nova mixed with Jazz on acoustic guitars. The duo have been playing in several live houses and cafes in Kyoto and their next appearance after Junkroom will be at Live House Waondo in Sanjo on Sun 18 May.
金子真(カネコマコト) - クラシックギターを子供のときから独学、中学生の時、モダンジャズを知り衝撃をうける。ジャズに傾倒していたが、ギターはガット弦のクラシックスタイルで弾く。15年前、念願のギブソンを入手。10年前に有名なジャズギタリストの寺井豊氏に師事、4年間個人レッスンをうける。醍醐のレストランで毎土曜日アマチュアバンドで4年間演奏。ここ2年は 西陣のライブハウスで月1回ホストバンドを務めた。
北脇久士(キタワキヒサシ) - 十代からフォークギターを始めるが、3年前から本格的にジャズを研究し始める。現在はジャズギタリストの寺井豊氏と岡本博文両氏に師事している。ガット弦の指弾きスタイルを追求し、プロも絶賛する上達ぶりである。現在はプロ のギタリストを目指し、演奏の場を求めている。
二人は10ヶ月前に知り合う。ともに寺井豊氏の門下生でもあり、音楽上のコンセプトが一致し. ジャズ、ボサノバなどをアコースティックサウンドで追求。昨年来、JEUGIA本店、カフェMAAM などでデュオ演奏。5月18日(日)にはライブハウス和音堂(河原町三条下がる一筋目東入る)に出演予定
This is a group whose main member is Yokoe Kunihiko ( Kunihiko transforms Traditional Enka (Japanese) songs into 70's styled pop or Reggae. Other members including Melodica player and dancer Chikako Bando who is a member of the dance group "Hanaarashi". Now they have a new member Sing-ho and their performance at Junkroom is their first together in 8 months.
While Shirai studied in England she saw performance art for the first time. Since 1998 she has performed in Japan. People often ask her "What is Performance Art?". Without giving a precise answer back, she explained her activities in many different places and circumstances. She recently started involving elements of improvisation or collaboration with other artists in her performances. For now she is happy enough to give some sort of surprise - rather than a certain answer to that question to the audience.
英国留学中にパフォーマンスアートに出会う。’98年より日本での活動開始。「パフォーマンスアートって何?」と、聞かれ続けて10年目。年々、多種多様な場所やアーティストとの即興・コラボレーションが増え てきて、更に説明困難状態。 「あっ?!」とか、「えっ?!」とか覚えてもらえると嬉しいです
This Gamelan playing unit formed in 2002 in Jakarta. The members are Rofit Ibrahim from Indonesia and Hiromi Sasaki from Japan. Alongside Gamelan music they also perform Javanese puppet theatre. In 2005 they moved to Kyoto and have been active running lessons and workshops in the Kansai area.
2002年11月にジャワ島ジョグジャカルタで結成されたガムランユニット. ジャワガムランと影絵芝居ワヤンの上演、ガムラン新曲製作、ガムラン披露宴、様々なアーティストとのコラボレーションなど、2005年より京都を拠点に活動中.
ROFIT IBRAHIM(ローフィット イブラヒム)
佐々木宏実(ささき ひろみ)
1979年7月17日大阪生まれ。神戸大学発達科学部人間行動表現学科音楽コースに在籍中、1999年ガムランに出会う。 2002年3月に卒業の後、インドネシア政府奨学生としてインドネシア国立芸術大学パフォーミングアーツ学部伝統音楽学科に留学、2年間ガムランを現地にて学ぶ。留学中は王宮での演奏会や、各地の公演に多数参加、また芸術祭などでは自作の作品を発表するなど、精力的に活動を行った。2005年より京都在住。自宅や神戸でガムランを教える他、演奏やワヤン上演など関西各地で活動を続けている。
Dj Shabushabu
Shabushabu is Kyoto based Producer/ Singer / Rapper / Beatboxer / Dj / Performer. Shabushabu's album { All in one pot } was released on Okimi records in November 2007.
京都生まれのproducer/DJである。1998年,subheadが大阪で来日公園した時に当時tomtomと組んでいたユニット『みやび』のdemotapeを渡す。するとその年、subheadのレ-ベル、2CBの七番に曲「亀より硬く」が収録される。この曲が、two lone swords manやsabres of paradiseで知られるadrew weatherallのDjプレイに使われるなど波紋を呼ぶ。当時、通っていた駿台予備校で出会ったukai seiji等の仲間達と『Soondie』という意味の判らない集団みたいなものを結成。2000年、djshabushabu名義で2CBかフル12”をリリ-スする。subheadのjason leechのレ-ベルFIX傘下にレ-ベル『soondie』を設立。2000年、1st12"に「ukai seiji+Mc gebo」をリリ-ス。2001年、2nd12"に自身の曲を含む「V.A.」をりり-すする。2002年9月にU.K.の『stuff records』のコンピレ-ション12”にMc Afraをフュ-チャリングした曲が収録される。2003年からokimi recordsのooru taichiと共に「obake jaa」として活動を始めており、1st CD-Rアルバムはlosapson,jetset,jellybean等のレコ?ド店で高セ?ルスを示す。2004年3月15日にmoroheiyaレコ-ドとokimiレコ-ドとの共同リリ-スでobakejaaが7曲のリミックス入りで正式発売される。 2004年の春にはmarcia lainesとのhuman beat boxの企画split 7”がstuff recordsよりリリ?ス予定。日本のレ-ベルでは、谷村コウタ等の楽曲と共に『terminal explosion』、タカツキ、riow arai ,art of vibes等の楽曲と共に『navel cord』等のコンピレ-ションに曲を提供している。また、1999年から定期的に関西の至る所でイベント『soondie』を開催。 過去に学生プロレス、和太鼓団体、劇団、べ-シストの今沢カゲロウ、 UKよりSiBegg,subhead,Sueme,DaveTarrida,Steve glencross等の個性的なゲストを呼んで独特の空間を創ろうと活動を続ずけている。(公式サイトより)
The Staircase Miracles 15MM FILMS
制作15mm Films
幻影的な編集と暴動的な音楽が特徴的なこの映画では、ロンドン、ケンジントンガーデン公園にナゾの黄金階段が出現するという。ふたりの公園管理人が、出現を目撃した者には身体障害の治癒が起こると主張する。制作の"15mm Films"は身障者アーティストを中心としたクリエイティブ集団で撮影から事務処理まですべてに渡って身障者が関わっており、"身障者"という概念に常に挑戦する作品を制作している。
Miracles are central to the historic signification of disabled people beginning with Christ proving his divinity by miraculously ‘healing’ disabled members of his audiences. Since then Christianity promises that a miraculous healing could be the reward for a disabled person’s penitence and faith, commonly expressed through pilgrimages to sites of apparitions such as Lourdes in France or Knock in Ireland.
With restless camerawork, hallucinatory editing and a riotous soundtrack, The Staircase Miracles is a looped narrative beginning with the mysterious arrival of a golden staircase in London‘s Kensington Gardens. Two Park Keepers tell a TV audience that they expect the occurrence of an apparition on the staircase, calling for people to visit the park to witness the miracle and be cured of the physical impairments.
The ensuing events depict a crown of disabled people gathering at the staircase. To pass the time, curious performances and rituals are presented by members of the crowd: a snake-handling Nun, a Stigmatist, a ‘Wild Boy’s’ erudite lecture, a Christian UFOlogist, and invisible Mystic…
Eventually a female Christ in a wheelchair appears at the top of the stairs, miraculously descending, touching the hands of ecstatic worshippers to ‘heal’ them. Some of them are ‘cured’ before ‘Christ’ reappears at the top of the stairs, opening fire on the crowd with a pea shooter. The crowd is massacred in the park, the apparition vanishes and the staircase is dismantled by Park Keepers.
The loop begins again…
A darkly comic, acidic riposte to Christianity’s institutional aim to exploit disability, the film has an iconoclastic, uproarious character. The unthinkable notion that many disabled people may not actually desire or require a miraculous transformation into a normal body provides its subtext.
The film has full subtitles and an integrated audio description.The Staircase Miracles is supported by Arts Council England. Aaron Williamson is a recipient of an AHRC 3-year Fellowship.More Information about the film "The Staircase Miracles" can be found here Information about 15mm Films, with details about previous and future projects, and the artists involved in the making of the film can be found here
Many Thanks to Aaron Williamson and all the 15mm Films artists for letting us screen this Film at Junkroom.
Duncan Galbraith
After graduating from Manchester University (Photography Department) Galbraith worked as a freelance photographer, having his images published by The Independent, The Guardian and other broadsheets in the UK. He has also exhibited at various galleries across the UK and Ireland. The exhibition of work at Junkroom will be his first exhibition in Japan. In this exhibition, he will show a series of images based around the general theme of Urban Portraiture/ Social Documentary. All images were shot in Kyoto City.
Hailing from Johannesburg and London, Kyoto resident DJ AFRIphoniCAAAA is the moniker of Performance/Video Artist Sean Roe. He plays an eclectic mix of Afrobeat./Artrock/ NDW/Krautrock/Musique Concrete, Soundtrack and Sound Art.
南アフリカ出身のパフォーマンス/ビデオアーティストSean Roe。ロンドンから日本に移住。DJとしてアフロビート、アートロック、NDW、クラウトロック、Musique Concrete、サウンドアートを発信。初めて耳にするような音源で体を踊らせてくれるだろう。
Matthew Mullane is a musician and sound artist from Cleveland, Ohio (USA) currently studying in Osaka, Japan. Past releases include two pieces on American weblabel Homophoni, and a collection of field recording's on Autumn Records' Leaves Series with a future release of sound installation work planned for the weblabel Luvsound. His current work shifts between computer-based improvisation and solo acoustic guitar.
FUCKED 76 (Nick Domjancic) is also part of Cell 63 who performed here in December at our opening event. Expect minimal electronic vignettes sometimes subtle and atmospheric sometimes abrasive and beat driven. Nick continues..."I moved out here to Kyoto about 7 years ago, and since then I've been in a couple of usual bands but computers and ryhthm machines broke my heart and got me into electro/idm for good. Lately I've been using old Roland drum machines and a couple gameboys to put together bad experiments in breakcore-tinged idm, all fed through a computer for processing."
NADA is the name Kyoto based drone guitarist SUDA NOBUTO performs under. He creates slowly unwinding shimmering soundscapes using electric guitar and electronics. One of his recordings was used by Takaaki Matsui in his performance last month at Junkroom so it will be good to see Nobuto perform in person this time.
Tuesday, 1 April 2008
OH My Cow, Andrea Valvini, DJ AFRIphoniCAAAA live at YASO, KYOTO, 10th April 2008
Short notice I know, but here are the details of the gig at Yaso (in Kyoto) on the 10th April.
Oh My Cow features Donald from Three Day Stubble on vocals as well as Hide from Ultra Bide on Keyboards. Also on the bill is Andrea Valvini and DJ AFRIphoniCAAAA. Full line up is detailed below. Directions and contact details for Yaso can be found here Free Milkshake if you wear a Cow Suit!
出演:Oh My Cow ! / Andrea Valvini.(from Switzerland) / Psychedelic Desert. / スヌーピー革命 他
OPEN 18:30 / START 19:00
1000 yen (+1drink 500 yen)
Oh My Cow features Donald from Three Day Stubble on vocals as well as Hide from Ultra Bide on Keyboards. Also on the bill is Andrea Valvini and DJ AFRIphoniCAAAA. Full line up is detailed below. Directions and contact details for Yaso can be found here Free Milkshake if you wear a Cow Suit!
出演:Oh My Cow ! / Andrea Valvini.(from Switzerland) / Psychedelic Desert. / スヌーピー革命 他
OPEN 18:30 / START 19:00
1000 yen (+1drink 500 yen)
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