Saturday, 1 March 2008
Junkroom Vol 3 - Saturday 22nd March 2008
Junkroom VOL 3
Performance Dance and Music
* Yuko Nexus 6 *
* Donald the Nut *
*Take-bow *
* Llama Llabo *
* On Furukawa *
* Misuzu *
* Tonko *
* Takaaki Matsui *
With an exhibition of photographs by Jeannette Nguyen
入場 1000円(1ドリンク付き)
開場 7:30 pm 開演 8:00 pm
Junkroom Address and Directions
葵リサイクルショップ 2階
京都市左京区下鴨東本町11−3 葵ビル
アクセス;京都駅より市バス4系統で洛北高校前下車東に約5分または206 系統で下鴨東本町下車すぐ
Above Aoi Recyle Shop
Shimogamo higashi honncho 11-3 Aoi bld,Sakyo-ku, Kyoto.Located on Kita Oji Dori (approx 400m East of intersection with Shimogamo Hondori) Access: by Bus - numbers 4, 205 or 206, all from Kyoto Station
contact Sean for more info 07054378369
Yuko Nexus6
Born 1964 in Osaka, she started her music (improvisation, composing, field recording and programing) from the early 90's. She has been a member of "wpao" (women's-performance-art-osaka) since 2001, "view masters" (field recording society) , "PMP" (Personal Music Party) and other groups. She is now working on some new CD projects using a grant received from The Foundation for Contemporary Arts in 2007
1964年大阪生まれ。90年代初期よりインプロ、作曲、フィールド録音やプログラミングを始める。2001年より"wpao" (women's-performance-art-osaka)、PMP他などのメンバー。現在は2007年に受領したコンテンポラリーアート基金で新たなCDプロジェクトを制作中。
Experimental/Improvisation guitarist, Sound Artist and Contemporary artist. Take-bow has been performing live since 1995. Since 1998, he has been collaborating closely with contemporary performing artists (dancers, painters and musicians). In 2001, he toured Europe with Monochrome Circus, and performend as a solo artist in Berlin. This was followed by the release of his first solo CD "Transparencia" in 2002. Solitude sound art unit began performing in 2002, and released their first CD "Solitude" the same year. Ruhe Rufen unit works with vocalized sound and experiment with Saxophone and guitar sound noise. Currently, Takebo is collaborating with other improvising artists in Japan, both musicians and dancers..
ギタリスト。1995年より活動を開始。1998年以降、パフォーミングアーツにもその活動の幅を拡げ、多くのダンス作品やセッションの為のライブ演奏・作曲・編曲・OPなどを手がける。1998年渡米。ソロのライブやブルース、ファンク等のセッションに多数参加。帰国後、京都カフェ・アンデパンダンを拠点に活動。2000年、2001年、2004年とヨーロッパ各地でライブを行い好評を得る。一貫したテーマとして持ち続けているいるのは、硬質な質感と水のように揺れ続け変化する蜜な心のざわめき、糸のように絡みあう繊細な響きと内在する破壊衝動。そして、take-bow 自身の異常なまでに両極端な性質は、多面的な演奏活動に色濃く反映されている。2003年より黒子さなえと共に「オトノカケラ」を開始、現在も継続中
Llama Labo
Go and Satoshi started performing together in 2005 under the name Llama Labo, and have built up quite a reputation in the Kansai performing regularly on the live circuit. Their mission is to promote the Didjeridoo as a creative instrument but they do so by fusing the unrelenting ancient and gutteral sound of the Didjeridoo with contemporary dance music, using drum machines samples and electronics, creating trancelike grooves that are irrisistibly hypnotic.
飲み仲間だったGOとSATOSHIが意気投合し、2005年結成。地元のBARでのDJイベントを出発点とし 、既存のPOP、Rock、Club musicを経て、民族楽器ディジュリドゥを手にし、BreakBeats、Electronika、TribalなどのBeatと融合させたスタイルを確立する。ツイン・ディジュリドゥの 凄まじい音圧を武器とした演奏で関西圏で数々のライブに出演、ファースト・ミニアルバム ”Breathe Out!”を自主制作で2007年1月にリリース。楽器自体が放つ独特のvibesアボリジニ文化の持つスピリチュアルなメッセージを発信するため現在CD製作やライブで活動中。ディジュリドゥ以外にもアフリカンドラムや口琴、ムビラ(親指ピアノ)も取り入れている。
On Furukawa, Misuzu and Tonko
"The Deadly Sisters in Fantasy-land"
"....there is someone behind me. I can hear some noises in this room.....outside.... through the door.......out the window. We are the dark and deadly double act from Nagoya who will take you on an adventure..... to the bottom of the pit of your heart.... We will present you a view of a surreal world for the night, with the assistance of an extremely cute pop singer."
わたしの後ろに誰がいる せなかでなにか音がする部屋のなか ドアのそと 窓の向こう ココロの裏側の冒険昨年名古屋で初共演を果たしたふたりの暗黒デュオ。今回はポップでキュートなゲストシンガーを迎え、明暗混淆するシュールな世界を展開する。
On Furukawa 古川 遠
On is an Aroma Therapist and Dancer. and member of the well established and regarded dance company "Hanaarashi". She also performs solo as a Dancer and Actor. In addition she is also a member of "土星の会" which is a regular meeting where members can participate in improvised dance.
アロマセラピストで舞踏家。癒しと狂気の境界を彷徨う。ポップ舞踏カンパニー「花嵐」メンバー。 ソロではパフォーマンス・アートや演劇等、呼ばれるがままに出かけていく。誰でも参加できる1時間即興の会「土星の会」主催メンバー。
Misuzu みすず
Misuzu is a Dancer and Actor. She trained as a ballet dancer in her childhood. Her involvement in contemporary dance began, through a meeting with someone who was both a dancer and an actor. following this she began to work as an actor in Nagoya. She performs in productions of physical theatre. Now, she is considering a career as a solo dancer.
Tonko トンコ
Tonko was impressed by a musical show which she saw when she was a Junior High School student, and as a result she took up singing seriously. She also started to study dance at this time.
Donald the Nut.
Donald was, and is the singer from Three Day Stubble, cult nerd rock originators from San Francisco. Donald will be performing solo for this event and without attempting to dampen... or raise your expectations, in the interpretive performance world of "AVI", you may well witness ..... extreme gurning, garbled glossolalia, big raw physical gestures, a helping of anger and angst, mixed with a large dose of scatalogical rock and roll and quite possibly some tearful enka.
ドナルドはサンフランシスコの元祖カルトオタクロックThree Day Stubbleのシンガーでもあった。イベントの夜は期待を抱かせもしない期待できるソロパフォーマンスを行う予定。その内容は早口コドバかもしれない。はたまたオーディエンスを巻き込むかもしれない。怒りか喜びかそれともお涙ちょうだいの艶歌とのうわさもあります.
Takaaki Matsui 松井 貴昭
Started as a ballet dancer, developed an interest in HIP HOP and now involved in the world of contemporary dance. His works cover the full spectrum of dance, theatre and performace. Also works as a Gyrokinesis trainer
vバレエ、HIPHOPからコンテンポラリーダンスの世界へ。 ダンス、芝居、パフォーマンス等フィールドを問わず活躍。 ジャイロキネシス認定トレーナーとしても活動中。
Hailing from Johannesburg and London, Kyoto resident DJ AFRIphoniCAAAA is the moniker of Performance/Video Artist Sean Roe. He plays an eclectic mix of Afrobeat./Artrock/ NDW/Krautrock/Musique Concrete, Soundtrack and Sound Art.
南アフリカ出身のパフォーマンス/ビデオアーティストSean Roe。ロンドンから日本に移住。DJとしてアフロビート、アートロック、NDW、クラウトロック、Musique Concrete、サウンドアートを発信。初めて耳にするような音源で体を踊らせてくれるだろう。
A selection of photographs by Jeannette Nguyen will also be on display during the event.
Jeannette Nguyen
Jeannette studied in Canada at Ontario College of Art and Design, majoring in Photography. Before arriving in Japan in 2007, she exhibited at several student run and independent galleries in Canada. Jeannette currently lives in Kyoto, this is the first time she has shown work in Japan. The photographs on show are a sequence of images taken at various points along the Keihan train line that runs from Kyoto to Osaka.
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